Equipment Cage

The Media Arts equipment cage is located in 15B 1003 of the Student Residence

Students enrolled in Media Arts classes and Arts independent study projects may check out gear to use for their Cinematic Arts class projects. Please review our Policies &  for more information.

Hours of Opening

Monday - Thursday 10:00 AM - 12PM; 1:30 PM - 4:30PM

Fridays 10:00 AM - 12PM

Gear checked out on Thursday must be returned Friday. Gear checked out on Friday is due on Monday. All other checkouts are for 24 - 48 hours.

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Production Equipment for Course Work

Students enrolled in Cinematic Arts classes and Cinematic Arts independent study projects have access to Cinematic Arts production equipment for class projects, including:

Use of equipment by persons not currently enrolled in Media Arts classes or for projects that are not part of Media Arts coursework is not permitted. 

However, any student may check out a Canon 200D and tripod from the Media Arts equipment cage.

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