Let's Print!|"Weave Our Festival" 2nd workshop

Let's Print
Event Start Date:
The Glass Room next to the East Gate of AB

Let's Print! Woodcut Prints + Handcrafted Book Workshop

Guide: Yifei CHEN, Feihong OU


Printmaking is a very democratic artistic medium that is easily accessible to everyone. We invite you to sit around, write, carve, and print your images or words. 

"We believe that everyone can easily make prints using drawings, images, woodcuts, and a simple home printer. For Prickly Paper, making a book doesn't have to be overly thoughtful and serious, it can be straightforward and easy to play with."

Dates: February 23-24

Opening Hours: 2.23 3pm till late

                           2.24 2pm till late 

Location: 客厅 The Glass Room next to the East Gate of AB


Part one: Printmaking Workshop 
(February 23-24)

Part Two: DIY Handmade Book Workshop 



Yifei CHEN, born in Zhangpu, Fujian, graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts and has currently no fixed abode. He is one of the initiators of the artist group “Jasagala”, and one of the editors-in-chief of “Prickly Paper”.

Feihong OU, the owner of Huangben Guangda Gallery, is one of the editors-in-chief of “Prickly Paper”, based in Guangzhou.

Prickly Paper “Drifting Backpack”





2021 March, together with the Flight Club, the editor team of Prickly Paper rented a new space in Xiaozhou Village, where the Flight Club as the reading room with a collection of books of the poet Ke Chen donated by her family, as well as art books that we added later. At the end of last year, at the invitation of our friend Sipei Lu, who works at the NAMSC of GAFA, we had a dialogue with the Malaysian group Buku Jalanan in the self-publishing section of “BULLET TEXT” of “Threading through the Eye of the Needle,” which she initiated in collaboration with the Display Distribute in the Trans-Southeast Asia Triennial project “Two responses to social practice.” Thus, based on our own reading room collection, as well as publications donated and exchanged by friends from diverse spaces in China, we initiated the “Drifting Backpack” project.


The "Drifting Backpack" has arrived at DKU, and will be on exhibition until the 25th. We will also be recruiting the next borrower or keeper of the backpack.

To learn more - click on the link below:



Prickly Paper, a book for the toilet, was created in the exhibition "The First Borderless Architecture Season" at the Fei Art Museum in Guangzhou. The magazine was placed in the public toilet of a building in Guangzhou and later occupied several other places. And the name "Prickly Paper" in Chinese is a homonym of the Cantonese "toilet paper." The cover for each issue was made with woodblock prints by different artists, and the inner pages are printed by a home printer. The article submissions and layouts of each issue depend on the subject. Prickly Paper was presented in a rough hand-made style. 

Prickly Paper is a way of connecting with friends by selling a small number of copies to keep it going.
The workshops of Prickly Paper hope to bring woodcutting + making zines to a wider and more diverse group of people. "The workshop has so far visited fifteen cities/regions and has been held in art institutions, community stations, independent bookstores, and self-organized spaces.

In March 2021, the Prickly Paper Editorial team together with Flight Club rented a new space in Xiaozhou Village, Guangzhou, where the living room is an open studio with a reading room and accommodation space.


“Weave Our Festival”

Modernization has brought various problems: the division of labor is creating barriers, mass mechanical production is driving us away from nature, political opinions are polarized, and the pandemic makes trust between people even more fragile.

To unravel today's tangles, we need to relearn our bodies and the tools: with primitive printing and weaving methods, we try to liberate ourselves from the shackles brought by technology; through body workshop, we practice listening to each other; in cooperation, we build trust in different materials and people, learning to produce and live more ethically.

In the framework of the Kultursymposium Weimar 2023“A Matter of Trust”, the Department of Culture and Education of the German Consulate in Shanghai and DKUNST Art on Campus, Division of Arts and Humanities Duke Kunshan University have launched “Weave Our Festival” together. The guest art collective “Prickly Paper” and their partners plan to meet and interact with participants from Duke Kunshan University and Shanghai through two short residencies. The artists will organize several different types of lectures and workshops and set up a temporary living room at Duke Kunshan University, exploring “trust” and “connection” with the participants during the residency collaborating under the theme of “trust”. The workshop will culminate in a mini festival with the students at the end of the residency.

In addition, the outcome of the workshop may be put into a “drifting book bag”, an artistic mobile book corner that will be carried by people and displayed at Duke Kunshan University and the Department of Cultural and Educational of the German Consulate General in Shanghai in April.


“Weave Our Festival” is a joint art project of Goethe-Institut and DKUNST Art on Campus at Duke KunshanUniversity in collaboration with the art collective Ci Zhi, curated by Dr. Oliver Hartmann and Prof. Zairong Xiang, in the frame of the Kultursymposium Weimar 2023 “A Matter of Trust”.


Click on the link below to learn more: 





Random activity: Energy Waving Collective





Content comes from Neijia boxing

(Xingyi, Taichi, Eight diagrams)

Loose body standing exercise





Of lively form and happy effect,

Gender friendly and listen to each other,

A fancy way to hang out and stimulate the mind and body!


Pushing hands, or tui shou, the ancient, internal Chinese martial arts training, is based on Taoist Kung Fu. It can release the tension in shoulders, bodies, and push hands, so it is good for health. But it also offers a way to sharpen one’s sensitivity and coordination and communicates through corporeal body contact. This public practice creates nodes with each other and with new friends. For these artists, they want this untraditional education to bring about togetherness and happiness with more equality. They welcome any newcomer and beginner to practice and relax the soul and body. Nobody cares about where you come from. The most important thing is to focus on the current status of the body and mind. With limited physical touch, the two practitioners will feel like becoming the "one" by sensing the direction of a partner's intention. Through pushing and nudging, the two practitioners will understand each other better. It is also a mental training between oneself and the external world. (description by Sipei)



previous posters



you are welcome to join when you see people doing these things


Click on link below to learn more:



Let's tangle

Let's Tangle! A Tu-Tu-Tufting Marathon and Miniature Mixed Media Workshop

by artist Toni Zhao (赵彤宇)

in collaboration with Prickly Paper (刺纸)



Please keep an eye out for further announcements about activities that are to be issued in the following days!