About this item:
marketed in 1965
manufactured since 1965 until 1966
super 8 mm film
Bolex Hi Fi f: 1.3 F: 15 mm
Bolex Hi Fi f: 1.3 F: 20 mm
Bolex Hi Fi f: 1.3 F: 25 mm
SOM-Berthiot f: 1.3 F: 35 mm
SOM-Berthiot f: 1.3 F: 17-28 mm
lamp: 50 W, 8 V, CXR
reel capacity: 120 m
projection: forward and rewind
projection speed: 5 (forward only) and 18 fps
film loading: automatic threading
sound: no
motor: magnetic motor
power source: 2 versions of this projector
110 to 240 V AC, 50 hz
110 to 125 V AC, 60 hz
weight: 15.25 lbs
dimensions: 6.5" x 8.5" x 10.5"
contruction: cast aluminium
made in Switzerland by Bolex-Paillard